Monday, November 7, 2011
5 BR, 3 BA Home for Sale Parkview HS Cluster

Sunday, September 11, 2011
September 11, 2001 Anniversary
Tuesday, September 11, 2001:
8:46 a.m.
New York, New York
First World Trade tower was hit by American Airlines Flight 11
9:03 a.m.
New York, New York
Second World Trade tower was hit by United Airline Flight 175
9:37 a.m.
Washington, D. C.
Pentagon was hit by American Airline Flight 77
9:59 a.m.
New York
South Tower of the World Trade Center collapses
10:03 a.m.
Shanksville, Pennsylvania
United Airline Flight 93 crashes near Shanksville, PA, after passengers rush the cockpit and overtake hijackers headed for Washington, D.C.
10:28 a.m
New York
North Tower of the World Trade Center collapses
September 11, 2011
Memorials have opened in New York City and Shanksville, Pennsysvania, and at the Pentagon in Washington, DC.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Preserving Our Family History

Like everyone else in this country, I remember exactly where I was when I heard about the first plane hitting the south tower of the World Trade Center. We were just starting a sales meeting at the Northeast Atlanta Metro Association of REALTORS(R) when an agent arrived late and breathless. He had heard the report on the radio as he was driving to the meeting. The initial reports indicated that it probably was a small commuter plane. Not long after, we were informed that a second plane had hit, and we knew that it was a terrorist attack.
When I finally got home and could watch the full reports on television, I knew that life as we knew it was over. An avid family and community historian, I had the fleeting thought that it didn't really matter how our ancestors had lived, or thought, or looked, or where they were buried. In fifty years, would anyone care?
Ironically, I had just launched an ambitious project of scanning old family photographs. We had a substantial collection of old photographs in Atlanta, and I offered to scan and save them to a CD for any cousins who wanted one. As an afterthought, I threw this out, "If you have any old photographs that you feel are special, please e-mail or snail mail them to me."
In the aftermath of September 11, 2001, with Christmas fast approaching, I was bombarded with the most delightful images from cousins all over the country. We had a gorgeous 3/4 length portrait of our great-great-grandmother, circa 1860, and a cousin sent a full length portrait taken the same day! The portrait above is a great-grandfather holding our aunt. Another cousin sent one taken the same day of the old man holding our uncle. It told such a sweet story, and I could imagine my grandmother telling her father, "Just stay right there and hold still," while she handed him another baby!
Now, at least one cousin in every family group has every old family photograph. I keep an extra copy on a flash drive and a CD in my safe deposit box at the bank. (By the way, I do the same thing with my home inventory, including photographs and receipts). Whenever I discover an old family photograph, a letter, or any other family memorabila, my first thought is to preserve and distribute as many copies as possible.
We Americans are resilient. This photo project which encouraged friendly communication among far flung cousins while honoring our ancestors and their families and communities made me to feel hopeful about the future.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Green Heron

Thursday, July 7, 2011
Historic Garner House In Lilburn

You'll find more photos and a lot of great Gwinnett County history at Gwinnett County GAGenWeb.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Baby Mallard Ducks

We hope this family will fare well. The sixth one disappeared within 48 hours. It's been a tough season for babies, with only one family from May still surviving and thriving, the babies now as big as their mom. She's the tough mother duck who hovered over and defended her original seven, as well as adopted three orphaned/abandoned ducklings.
The greatest threats to ducklings seem to be hawks, snapping turtles, pollution, and fishermen who cut their lines loose and leave them in the water with hooks attached. Well meaning people pollute the water with processed white bread and anything else they find in their kitchens. If given a choice, kids would eat junk food for dinner every night. If give a choice, ducks will eat white bread. It doesn't mean it's healthy for the ducks or the water, and it fills their tummies so that they do not seek healthy food.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Polymorphous Light Eruption: Allergy To the Sun
I have become diligent about using sunscreen, and my current favorite is a CVS brand, a dry lotion (not greasy and sticky!) which I can use on my face under makeup. It is 100 SPF with UVA AND UVB protection. Unfortunately, I'm not good at remembering to reapply during the day. Even that may not be enough protection. I believe that I am experiencing my first bout with something called Polymorphous Light Eruption, which is simply an allergic reaction to the sun.
The reaction began as a bright pink raised dime size area on my arm. I assumed that it was an insect bite. The next day, I found the same type of thing on my left arm, and for days afterward, it spread as a rash on both arms. Two days ago (two weeks after the initial outbreak) it erupted it welts on my neck and chest.
Evidently, my dermatologist has never heard of it, because he immediately diagnosed it as contact dermatitis combined with an allergic reaction to Benadryl cream. Actually, The rash had spread for two weeks, and I had used the Benadryl for a couple of days two weeks ago. Even though the puzzle pieces were not fitting, my doctor stood firm on the most common diagnosis for an idiopathic rash. I was determined to understand what had happened so that I could avoid it in the future, so did my own research.
I take a daily walk in a local park, and often sit on the bank of the pond and photograph the ducks and geese. Even with sunscreen, and even late in the afternoon, my neck and lower arms were getting a lot of sun exposure. The recommended treatment is hydrocortisone cream, so I'll be using it every day while I'm mindful of reapplying sunscreen and avoiding the sun as much as possible in mid-afternoon.
I just wanted to put this out there for anyone who may experience a rash in areas exposed to the sun. What kept me looking for answers was the "contact dermatitis" diagnosis in the very areas that were not in contact with anything! Polymorphous Light Eruption can affect people of all races and skin coloring.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Wildlife and Healthy Eating

Monday, June 6, 2011
Feeding Wild Ducks
Friday, June 3, 2011
Wren's Nest

I worry about Norman, my only outside cat, who may become more tempted to make the leap when the babies hatch. All I can do is move everything out of the way that he might use as a stepping stool.
I'm also concerned that the mother doesn't seem to have a mate helping out. She has been away from the nest for long periods of time in search for food and water. Of course, it is brutally hot here, so perhaps the eggs and chicks are doing OK without mom. However, I placed a small dish of water and some bird seed on a nearby window ledge (about 5 1/2 feet off the ground). I hope she finds it and can stay closer to the nest. Stay tuned!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
It's The Little Things

Eastern Song Sparrow (or Swamp Sparrow?)